5 Business Motivation Techniques To Help You Stay On Track & Distraction Free

I’m excited to share with you my top 5 business motivation techniques that will help you stay motivated and on track in a world full of distractions.

If you’re an Entrepreneur you know that getting distracted, sidetracked or experiencing "Shiny Object Syndrome" is something that comes with the territory…

So how do you get back on track and productive when you fall off the wagon?

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you 5 of my best business motivation techniques so you can be UBER productive, operate at high efficiency and stay motivated in your business.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

The biggest game changer in my business and in my personal life has been what I call "my personal miracle morning routine". It’s responsible for setting my day up in a way that allows me to crush out my weekly goals.

I laid out My Miracle Morning Routine in detail for you to download so you can model it as it is going to change the way your day starts and have a BIG impact on your productivity and keep you motivated. You can download it below.

Episode #148 5 Business Motivation Techniques To Help You Stay On Track & Distraction Free

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My Morning Success Routine.
Designed to streamline your morning and set you up for success, this routine and checklist ensure a productive start to every day.

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Business Motivation Techniques #1 - Know your goal for the quarter, month and week

Business motivation technique #1 is that you'll need to know what your goal is for the quarter, month and all the way down to the week.

What’s your ONE BIG thing that you want to accomplish this week?

I use a planner to keep me organized and on track with this but what I like to do is…every week I write down my one big thing that I want to accomplish that week that I know will get me closer to my goals.

But you need to be clear on what those goals are, so if you haven’t already set goals for your business for the quarter, month and all the way down to just the week ahead, do it now.

Business Motivation Techniques #2 - Know your tasks

What tasks do you need to perform to accomplish that ONE BIG goal?

This is where you get that big goal and you break it down into bite size pieces.

Once you do that you make a list of all the tasks that need to be done in order to get that goal accomplished.

This allows you to see the work ahead and prepare to either delegate it or add it to your calendar.

Business Motivation Techniques #3 - Plan your week and plan your days

Okay, so once you make the list with all the tasks written down, you’ll want to plan when you’ll get them done in the week ahead.

So just add them to your calendar and schedule them out on the days that you know you can get them done and you’ll get yourself closer to accomplishing that one big goal.

Business Motivation Techniques #4 - Time block

This one is super important.

I can honestly say that time blocking is my secret to staying motivated in my business.

I block out the EXACT time that I’ll be sitting down and working on my tasks.

I put it on my physical calendar so I can see it and nothing else gets done during that time except the tasks I’ve written to do in those specific timeframes.

Business Motivation Techniques #5 – Turn off all distractions

Remove all distractions that you possibly can during those time blocks.

1. Turn off all social media notifications.

2. Put your phone on airplane mode.

3. Close out all browsers except the one you’re using etc.…

And don’t turn them back on until your tasks are done.

This takes practice and discipline but as you start to get stuff done and crossing tasks off your list, it is going to serve as the basis for motivation for you in your business.

Business Motivation Techniques - In Closing

If you noticed, you’ll see that I like to work on one thing at a time.

That’s how our brain operates best and it will keep you motivated to keep on going.

So, it all boils down to the ONE thing that you know if you accomplish that week, you will get closer to your BIG goals in your business.

Don’t schedule a million things into your week because that will only discourage you and make you feel like you didn’t accomplish anything.

Work your week based on your BIG goals and only schedule in tasks that will move you closer to them.

And remember that the biggest game changer in my business and in my personal life has been what I call my My Miracle Morning Routine.

It’s responsible for setting my day up in a way that allows me to crush out my weekly goals.

I laid it out in detail for you to download so you can model it because it is going to change the way your day starts and have a BIG impact on your productivity and keep you motivated.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Millionaire Morning Routine | In my Millionaire Morning Routine I share with you how I attract wealth, success, clarity and happiness using my 5 step, 22 min morning routine. This routine has completely changed my life and I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me.

FREE 9 Min Video | How I Attract Eager Prospects on Social Media That Are Excited To Do Business With Me… Using this ONE small, but mighty tool.

Mailbox Power | I use Mailbox Power to send all our cards and gifts. With Mailbox Power, you can effortlessly create and schedule campaigns that deliver cards and gifts to your clients right when they matter most.

Tanya Aliza’s Kit | Many people ask me to share my personal camera and video gear, my health, wellness and beauty products, my favorite books and more. Instead of listing out each item individually here on the blog, I made some really cool ‘KITS’ that you can check out.

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I’m obsessed with helping you reach your full potential. Kick off your shoes, grab a coffee and let’s crush it!

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