5 Engaging Social Media Post Ideas That Will Get You More Business

There’s no doubt that having plenty of engaging social media post ideas is important, if you want to attract customers and sales for your business.

But if you’re not getting enough eyeballs on your posts then you’re just wasting your precious time...

So what the heck do you post to get lots of interest and business started?

In this Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to give you 5 Engaging Social Media Post Ideas that you can use right away that will help you attract more customers and sales for your business.

With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.

This week since we’re talking about engaging social media post ideas I’ve got an incredibly powerful resource ready for you.

I’m inviting you to come join me on this free training so you can learn How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On AutopilotMake sure you register below and reserve your spot on this training. It’s going to help you get more engagement on social media and then convert those people into sales and more business.

Before you post on Social Media about your business, products or services… there’s a couple of things you need to know.

If you’re in Network Marketing do not mention the name of your company or products in your social media posts...

Episode #169 5 Engaging Social Media Post Ideas That Will Get You More Business

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Instead, use these 5 Engaging Social Media Post Ideas


Because you don’t want to give your audience over to Google or your competitors.

What’s the first thing we all do when we learn about a product or company?

We Google it of course.

And it’s highly possible that your people will end up over on your competitor's website or find stuff that’s not even accurate about your company or product.

And worst-case scenario? They end up buying from your competitor and not you!

Let’s avoid that from happening.

So for that reason, you don’t want to mention company or product names and instead create curiosity so people are wanting to learn more about your product, service or business.

Always share stories or benefits as part of your engaging social media post ideas

You always want to speak in stories or benefits in your social media posts.

Stories are one of the most powerful ways to move people into action.

So creating a post where you share a story (your own or someone else’s) will help get you people reaching out to you wanting more information.

And also speak about the benefits of your product, service or business.

You never want to tell people what it is…instead, tell them what it does.

Speak in stories and benefits and you will go so much further in your social media posting efforts.

It’s okay if your engaging social media post ideas are funny (it’s actually highly encouraged)

Hey… it’s okay to be goofy and funny…if that’s who you are!

Take your professional hat off and have some fun by being yourself on social media.

I highly encourage this, if you want TONS of engagement and followers.

Okay so let’s dive right into the type of social media posts you want to be doing to get the most eyeballs and engagement.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - #1 Referral Posts

Essentially referrals posts are where you take stories of your customers or other customers that exist in your company and you talk about their story and their journey.

You can be specific with how the product has benefited them and/or their families.

These type of posts are very powerful and get lots of engagement.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - #2 Recognition Posts

Anytime we have a milestone or rank advancement happen for someone in our team we shout it out from the rooftops.

That’s right…we celebrate this on social media by creating a recognition post.

This draws in a lot of attention and gets people curious and you’ll have people reaching out to you asking you what’s going on.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - #3 Interviews

Think of someone who is having some type of success and ask to interview them on a Facebook Live.

This way it shows up on the news feed and people can tune in and watch it.

This is so powerful.

And remember don’t speak about the products or company but focus on their accomplishments of being in the business or the benefits of them using your products.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - #4 Testimonial Posts

These are similar to referral posts but with more of a focus on business and/or customers.

If you have someone that gives you a great testimonial or you have a Facebook group or business page that you can screenshot testimonials from…then do so and post them on your news feed.

These create a lot of buzz and engagement so make sure you’re using them as part of your social media post ideas.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - #5 Demo Post

This applies to people that have products that can be demoed.

For example, if you have makeup products you can do those posts where you do a tutorial on how you put makeup on with your product line.

Or, if you have skin care products you can do a demo of your skin care regime for people to see.

Got jewelry? Showcase it so people can see it.

These are just some examples of product types that can be demoed but basically, you’ll want to take advantage of this because it’s really hot right now.

PRO TIP: These types of posts work especially well on Instagram so take advantage of this.

Engaging Social Media Post Ideas - In Closing

Get started with implementing 1 or 2 of these right now and then add a couple of the other ones once you get the hang of it.

Keep in mind…people are what make up this thing we call social media so make sure you speak in benefits because people only care about what your products, business or services can do for them…not what your products are or how much you love them!

Remember to register for the free webclass so you can learn How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot.

Resources & Links Mentioned:

The Revenue Multiplier Masterclass | Free Online Training Class Happening Now - How I'm Attracting Perfect Prospects & Teammates Everyday, That WANT To Sign Up With Me… All On Autopilot, Using An Unconventional Digital Marketing Strategy That I Know You'll Be So Excited To See & Use In Your Business!

Smart Paid Traffic | Learn how to run Facebook Ads for any business.

Facebook Live Checklist | What to do before, during and after your Facebook Live broadcast to check the most views and engagement.

Done 4 You Brand Services | We build and design marketing funnels, websites/blogs, logos, brand boards, social media brand assets and more!

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