“Tanya, how the heck do I create network marketing success FAST?"
This is a question I get asked ALOT.
So in this episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I’m going to share with you the 6 things that I personally implemented when I started my network marketing business that helped me hit one of the top ranks in my company in less than 90 days.
Whether you’re brand new or been at your business for awhile…this is going to be such a powerful training for you, if not directly for you then for your team.
With every Episode of Tanya Aliza TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL free resource that you can implement right away and create results with fast in your business.
Since we're talking about how to create results fast in your network marketing business, I want to give you My Getting Started Roadmap To A Full-Time Residual Income in Network Marketing. This roadmap will help you or your team launch your business when you get started so that you can create those results FAST.
Alright, so let’s get straight into the 6 steps because you just might be in a situation where you need to make some moolah fast or maybe you just need a boost of confidence in your business.
And keep in mind that these 6 tips aren’t theory...they’re the actual steps that I took when I got started in my network marketing business to create these results fast.
Tip number one is that you have to make sure you go through your team's getting started training.
And when you're going through it you want to make sure that you are comfortable with the process of connecting, presenting and closing someone to give you a decision.
When you start your business in network marketing you want to make sure that you have a clear grasp and handle on knowing and getting comfortable with doing those three things.
This is very important.
So make sure you work with your leadership and inside of your getting started training to make sure those are the first three things that you know how to do.
You've got to understand your tools.
This is something that I had to learn as well.
What tools do you have that you can use to help you grow your business?
I'm not saying go out there and fill up a big old toolbox, I'm saying go find out what tools are available to you to share a presentation when your prospects are interested in learning more.
What are the tools that you use to close or follow up with a prospect or track what it is that you're doing? Find those tools and make sure you use them.
Make a list.
Your business is going to go nowhere without a list of people that you can talk to about your products or services.
You need to sit down and make a list.
Now, do you need to sit there for 25 million hours to make the list? No.
Make a list of 10 or so people that you're going to work on reaching out to during the week.
If you work week to week, then it just makes it easier. You're taking little bite-sized chunks.
This makes it easier for you to stay in momentum in your business.
Create a tracking sheet. This is something that I did, very simply, using Google Sheets or Google Doc.
You could also use your iPad or journal or notebook, it doesn't really matter.
I like to know where everybody is throughout the prospecting process and what kinds of decisions I’m getting from my prospects.
What you cannot measure, you cannot figure out where you need help or what to get better at.
You also might forget about the things that you're doing or the people that you put through the process.
So you need to have a tracking sheet in your business.
Have a daily goal.
A daily goal for you is going to be different than my goals. Everybody's goals are different.
If you have a goal of making $1,000 a month in your business, you're daily actions will be different than if you're somebody that wants to make, let's say, $10,000 a month in your business.
Whatever your goal is for the month, like a monthly income goal, make sure that your daily activities and actions match up with that goal.
The last tip is to check in periodically with your leadership or your mentors that you're working with.
You need to let them know that what you're doing and ask for help when you need it.
See, the thing is, it's tough to be a leader because it typically means you've got a big, huge, massive team.
For me, even though I want to connect with all of my people on my team every other day or week, it's absolutely impossible.
So, I love, love, love it when my people reach out to me when they need something.
Don’t be shy and reach out to your leadership.
That's what they're there for.
Don't expect them to reach out to you all the time when you need the help.
You are your own business owner, ask for the help when you need it.
So there you have it, my 6 network marketing success tips to help you create success with fast in your business.
Now remember, creating success fast rarely happens.
There are skills that are involved, there's practice, and there's trial and error.
I definitely want to make sure I'm setting your expectations up to win.
If you're not a millionaire in your first 30 or 90 days, don't worry about it. You're on the right track and you're developing your skills.
In fact, when I first got started in network marketing in 2009, I sucked for about two years.
Now, the only reason why I am where I am today is because I didn't quit.
I committed to my goals and I made a commitment to get better at what I was doing every day.
And remember to grab My Getting Started Roadmap To A Full-Time Residual Income in Network Marketing. This roadmap will help you or your team launch your business when you get started so that you can create those results FAST.
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